Last February, on a stormy day, just like today, they wanted a new dog when I was angry and did not want any more dogs, I wanted to be free of taking care of something and go on adventures instead.

We ride for hours in the middle of nowhere, and soon understand what the man meant
about the GPS, "That ain't gonna work."
I've never been this close to a prison before. So, do we turn around? Do we call?
Well, we're here, we might as well go on an adventure and take the muddy road to the right.
Sort of, hoping we don't get shot as we hear large dogs barking like there's a prison break.
But, we find the house that's selling the puppy. Sort of, darn it.
Now, we'll have to get a dog, and the dirt, and the mud, and the fleas, and then
have to get home by five to let the thing outside.
But, oh, they are cute.
I wasn't expecting them so little. We've always had large dogs.
Even in a small package, big brother is bullying the runt of the litter.
The little runt is ours. We pay for him and gosh he's cute.
He has a sweet disposition, more timid than those other mini-brutes.
I want to snuggle him up and take him home in my pocket. What is wrong with me?
Oh my gosh, I want that one too.
Turns out, hidden in the pocket of the seller, is the true runt of the litter, because the little sister made it with the helpful care she received.
Not all folks on long backwoods next to graveyards and prisons are actually scary people.
Our guy likes the little sister because she's not beating him up.
I get to cuddle with him all the way home. He seems relieved to not be chewed and teased, so he relieves himself on me. We are prepared for this and brought another blanket.
What he's not prepared for is this waiting at home.
Or this.
And one of these too.
And a mom who will do a lot of this to him. Poor guy.
The cats debate - it could be a hamster? Doesn't smell like one.
Flying squirrel? Hmmm, maybe we should taste it to decide?
He needs to grow into his dog collar.
And he does! The kid is a natural. A born model. An athletic agility dog too!
A method actor. Basically, a star.
Zaney tells the tale and writes the blog.
And they become two Bro-misters.
And all of it will appear in the Sketchbook/Project book number #B353145.
Theme: A Visual Short Story of the Day we Met.
The Global Art Project at Brooklyn Art Library
Dzumer Tsitsipaws is his alias. We at home call him Bing.
Dzumer Tsitsipaws is his alias. We at home call him Bing.
And of course, upcycled leather art journals are selling like hotdogs in
Eva Graalman's Closet at Re-Invintage!