Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Dawn To Dusk in Photos May 1, 2014, Part I

Art is You Retreat
It starts too early, just before 5 a.m.
Luckily, we are over the storms and the weather in nice.
Stretch break half way through.
It's a four hour drive to Memphis from Murfreesboro, but I've gotta GO!
My broke-down car makes it, and I'm greeted by a little friend.

The hotel actually dips into Mississippi.

Signed in the front desk and headed to the class with Jenny and Aaron.
Everyone should match their hair color to the tablecloth.

I'm only about fifteen minutes late, but they look way ahead.

But of course I have the Book!

And get it signed.

But, big surprise, wrong class due to a computer glitch.
So, after making a nuisance in this one, I meander around the hotel
until I find Pam Carriker's class.
They are underway.

Time to catch up, so throw in a Jerry Lewis photo somewhere.

More layering techniques

Pam comes around and helps everyone.

At lunch, it's amusing to see Andrea DeMeng's clean hands.

Before returning to Pam's class, I peek in to see what other classes are doing.

They are making Books in Leighanna Light's class.

Books in the making.

Art supplies look cool. Leighanna's personal stencils

Michael DeMeng demonstrates a new technique to his class.

A secret stash of goodies.

Now, I'm really behind, my class is already underway.

Pam's stencils are wonderful. Page in her art journal.
So why not do a color wash of her stencil on the shirt that I'm wearing.
(Yes, I did have a tank top underneath.)