Thursday, June 12, 2014

Dawn to Dusk in Photos, May 1, 2014, Part II

Receiving cool ATCs.
Scarlett Fields work for the day.
The class is all too soon over, but we learned a bunch of layering techniques.
In a few short hours we take the night class with again Pam Carriker.
It's a smaller relaxed class and we're doing a lot of girl talk.
It will help branch out of our color rut.
But to be honest, I still use orange and grey. Never purple.
I'd been complaining about my long drive from Murfreesboro, until this lady (blond with glasses) said she came from Alaska. Okay, I'll stop whining.
Pam shows us what do with all those wonderful colors.
Just before I went to the room, it's late and I've been up since 4 a.m., Pam and I make a cool trade: One of my leather journals for her brand of mixed-medial adhesive.
Now that was a fun moment and a pretty good day.